8 Wedding Day Tips To Make Your Big Day Run As Smoothly As Possible!
Your big day is almost here! Are you excited?! Everything is going to be great!
Since I’m sure your big day is so close, a few helpful reminders can definitely help ease any stress and complete last minute to-do lists.
We hope these tips will help check off some last minute things from the big day!
BONUS: Since we’re still caught up in a pandemic, I’ve written down some helpful tips to not only help ease stress from you, but help ease any nerves from your guests. We hope this will help make your day stress free! Pandemic tips are at the very bottom of this guide!
Unplugged Wedding
In today’s world of technology, we spend a large portion of our day glued to the computer, cell phone, television, etc. This is why it is important that on your special day, everyone becomes unplugged, so that the full attention can be on both of you as a couple. You want to be sure that your guests will experience the day with you. For this reason, you should ask them to turn off all of their devices. For your guests to be truly present with you and participate in your special day, it is essential that they unplug and relate to you. You and your spouse-to-be have dedicated a lot of time, effort, and patience into making your wedding day very special. You would not want photos of your guests to be with their heads down and looking at their devices, or standing up taking pictures of you. We too believe that the best thing that can be done to make your day special is to unplug, and turn off our devices and enjoy the present moment. Leave the photographing to the professionals, then share the final photos with friends and family as they become available from your photographer!
Get A Coordinator
A coordinator will helps loads! Trust us! We know what we’re talking about. At our wedding, we had no idea our cake was about to fall over. Our coordinator saw it coming down, and saved the day! But coordinators do more than just save a cake from falling. They can help keep you on track, and stay on schedule. Even if you don’t want to hire a day-of coordinator, at least get a family member or a friend to help coordinate family photos. This will help the process by gathering up everyone who may not even know they need pictures taken. By getting the family photos taken quickly, it’ll give us more time to spend with you for formal photos, AND you get to head to your reception a lot quicker than expected. So search Google for a coordinator, or ask a friend to help. I promise it’ll help a ton in the end!
The First Kiss
Most couples don’t notice this, but we definitely DO! If you’re able too, ask your officiant to move over during your first kiss. As shown in the photo above, you’ll have a random head popping in to your first kiss photo, and staring awkwardly at you two. When officiants remember to move away, or step aside. The photo looks amazing! Trust us. Do you really want a third head photo bombing your first kiss? Also, don’t forget to give each other a long kiss, so we can capture that sweet moment! If you like to give quick kisses, make sure to give several, so we can make sure to capture that moment too!
Sparklers from the firework stand that don’t last very long and create a LOT of smoke.
Sparklers made specifically for weddings that will burn twice as long.
Sparkler Exit
A sparkler exit is definitely a fun way to exit the party in style! But what can you do to help make this moment perfect?
The best solution is to purchase sparklers that are made specifically for weddings. They burn twice as long, and are safe to use.
I’m sure you’re wondering, safe to use? I’ve used regular sparklers all of the time on the Fourth of July! For some, it’s safe, and for others, they can explode. Want to read a horror story directly from a photographer? Click here!
As for the comparison of time. Traditional sparklers from the firework stand don’t burn as long. So if your guests decide to light them way ahead of time, and leave you no time to walk down, the sparkler effect will go away quick.
Sparklers made specially for weddings will burn twice as long, and will give you time to do an encore if need be. Sometimes photographers will want you to go back and kiss again as they may not have gotten the shot, or someone was in the way.
Another tip is to have a SOBER friend coordinate the sparkler exit, or if you hired a professional coordinator. They will make sure everything will run smoothly. The key here is, DO NOT LIGHT THE SPARKLERS until all of the guests are ready, and you and your spouse are ready to walk down the line of guests. Oh, and when I say sober. I really mean it. Having someone who has had too much to drink control the sparkler exit is one way to have others get hurt, or completely ruin your exit. We once photographed an exit where the sparklers were lit way too soon, and the couple didn’t get the exit they wanted.
Take it from us! By following these tips, everything will go smoothly!
Tips for the Dashing Groom
The Haircut. A haircut should be done a day or two before the wedding day. It is important to know what hair style suits your face. If you do not know, you can find a photo of a haircut that you think might work, and take it to your barber for his/her opinion.
The Choice To Wax Is A Personal One. If you make the decision to wax, you have the option of doing your feet, chest, arms, face and even your backside. However, if you do decide to wax, it’s best to do so much further in advance to reduce redness and swelling.
The Hands Of The Groom. As the groom, you need to keep your hands clean. You can do this by washing them often and removing any dirt that is underneath the nails. A hand moisturizer formulated for males should be used several weeks before the wedding occurs. This will reduce dry hands during the wedding and appear smooth for photos.
Have A Pretty Smile. Toothpaste that has a whitening agent can be bought over the counter, and will assist you in obtaining the prettiest smile you can. You should be careful to avoid any toothpaste that has abrasives in it. These can wear away the structure of the teeth.
Manscaping. Some men may consider this as something that is done by women only. But the good thing is that by doing something as simple as cleaning up your eyebrows, it can make a large difference in your appearance.
Getting A Close Shave. Everyone likes the feel of a close shave. Before you shave, you should rub your skin with some pre-shaving oil or even something as simple as baby oil. A good idea is to shave while you are in the shower. The warm water will open up your pores, and soften your face to allow you to get the closest shave possible.
Bridal Beauty Tips
Your Face Should Be Relaxed. To relax your face, you should close your eyes, and let your lips fall into their natural shape and place.
Your Eyes Should Smile. One of the more common trends among wedding parties is that of poses in which you are more serious. These involve less smiles therefore it is important for your eyes to smile, or “smize”.
Be Sure Your Makeup Is Not Orange. Cameras tend to always pull out more yellow and orange colors. This will make you look a bit orange in your pictures.
Make sure to keep your bouquet at your belly button. If your bouquet is too high, it’ll get in the way of your face!
You Can Fake Sleek Arms. If you have a sleeveless wedding dress, you will want your arms to have a sleek look. The best way to accomplish this is to lift your arms out to the sides just a little. This will give your biceps and triceps extra breathing room.
Stand Up Tall and Straight. The best way to improve your posture is to stand up straight with your shoulders back. You should also push your chest out forward, and pull in your belly button.
It’s Okay To Laugh A Little. Even if a laugh does not occur naturally, it can be something that will be flattering in your photos. Not to mention that laughing makes things more fun!
Stop Sweat Before It’s Noticed. The best way to stop sweat is to soak up the dampness with a paper towel. Make sure to blot and not swipe as this will smear your makeup!
Nails, Nails & Nails! It’s time to keep your nails nice and clean for photos! Since COVID-19 bursted through the door in 2020, some nail salons are offering at-home visits so you don’t have to leave your home! This is not only a great way to stay home and relax, but it’s also a fun way to offer a spa day to your friends for a ladies night before the big day. Need a company that’ll come to you? Click on the button below to receive a $100 voucher for your own at-home spa day! (This offer is only valid if Urban Company services your area.)
COVID-19 Pandemic: Helpful Tips!
Photo Credit: Etsy Vendor ElationFactoryCo
It’s definitely a crazy time we’re in right now, and one thing you have to make certain of is having your guests feel safe enough to go to your wedding. There’s a few options to help ease the nerves of your guests, and this may be a good option for just that!
Color themed bracelets are a great way to have each guest know the status of the other. Some may not mind hugs, some may not mind up close chatter, but some may mind a whole lot about everything. With these color themed bracelets, each guest will not only feel comfortable showcasing their views, but know where others stand as well without needing to verbally say it each time. It’s a great way to keep everyone happy and safe!
If you’d like to order the bracelets/sign shown above, click the link below to check out the seller’s page! Or you can find a different seller with a similar idea via Google or Etsy!
Photo Credit: Etsy Vendor Hand Sanitizer ThatPartyChick
Photo Credit: Etsy Vendor Mask Stickers ClementineWeddings
Wedding Favors
Need some more ideas to keep your guests safe and happy during COVID-19? Here’s a couple ideas for you!
Hand sanitizers should already be provided by your venue, (hopefully). So this department should be covered! Though, that doesn’t mean you can’t add more to the bunch! Instead of having just hand sanitizer stands around the reception area, you can offer small gifts to your guests when they enter the reception area. Plus, you can make them look really cute with some customized labels!
Along with this, you can have custom stickers made to place over each plastic bag containing a disposable mask. It’s not only cute, but a fun way to encourage your guests to be safe as well!
If you’re interested in purchasing the items in the photos above, click the links below to be redirected to the seller’s page! Or look for similar ideas via Google or Etsy!
Photo Credit: Amazon
Facebook/Instagram Live
Last on our COVID-19 guide is providing a safe, and fun way to have your guests attend your ceremony without even having them there.
Some may not want to attend for certain reasons, and that’s totally ok! A great way to still have them virtually present is by going Facebook/Instagram live with your cell phone.
Now, this may seem like an impossible idea since you’ll be getting married, and you can’t hold your phone during the ceremony. Trust me, there’s a solution for that!
Search on Amazon or Google for a cheap iPhone or cell phone tripod. Then purchase a microphone to attach to your cell phone, so your voices can be recorded without wind/noise interference. This will not only let your guests tune in completely to your big day, but it’s also a cheap solution to recording your ceremony, FOR FREE!
Pro tip: Have a family member or friend be in charge of the setup. Less stress for you, and one less thing to worry about!
Need some recommendations on cell phone microphones? No problem! Click the link below for our top pick!